Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wrapper 1: Bees and Skeletons

25. Lydia F., Urbana, IL

What does a bee sit on?

First of all, let me just say that I enjoy that Laffy Taffy bothers to number their jokes. I guess this is so you'll know when you've read them all? Anyway, here's the answer:

25. His bee-hind (behind).

There's a reason people say that it kills a joke to have to explain it. That's because it's true. Granted, this joke is terrible regardless - you can practically picture your six-year-old niece coming up to you on Thanksgiving afternoon and reciting it with a hugely loud emphasis on "BEE" in the punchline to make sure you get it, followed by you having to smile and possibly fake-laugh and tell her "That's very clever!" before going back to an adult conversation that until this moment you would have sworn you'd do anything to get out of.

The point is, don't print jokes that only really work out loud because they're based on how words sound. But if you do, please don't insult my intelligence by assuming that I can't possibly parse "bee-hind" into the word "behind." This joke also sucks because "what does a bee sit on" sounds like the answer should be some sort of bee furniture pun, like "a hive chair" as a play on "high chair." Granted, that joke is also terrible and possibly harder to understand, but give me a break, it took me five seconds to come up with and I'm not dashing it off to send to Wonka Industries like Lydia F. did with her piece of shit.

26. Jon H., Cocoa, FL

Why did the skeleton go to the movies by himself?

Because he had no friends, because he was a grotesque re-animated corpse?

26. He had no body to go with him.

Or that. Sure. Kudos for not writing "he had no body (nobody) to go with him."

Just because I feel like noting these things, this one was strawberry.

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