Friday, December 2, 2011

Wrapper 34: No quarter

141. Tessa W., Jema, LA

What gives a ghost the right to scare you?

Ghosts care not for your human laws.

141. A haunting license.

I wonder if I could have parsed this fully as an eight-year-old. Maybe in rural parts of the country where even kids would be familiar with the concept of a hunting license it's not an issue.

142. Tiffany M., Churchville, NY

How come the Buffalo Bills went to the bank?

This is obviously about "getting their quarterback." I know Tiffany M. is from Churchville, NY, which is a little ways outside Rochester, thus making the Buffalo Bills her nearest NFL team. But I don't know if I would have used a specific team here. It's just sort of confusing since it makes you wonder if the punchline will actually be Bills-specific.

142. To get their quarter back.

And of course the punchline is not Bills-specific. I know this isn't really Tiffany M.'s fault - Laffy Taffy should have edited it, or picked another one that just said "the football team" since this joke is so old you know a thousand kids mailed it in. It's that little extra bit of dopiness that truly makes a Laffy Taffy joke.

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