Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wrapper 33: Ticked off

139. Keri B., Heber, UT

When does a doctor get mad?

When he is out of patients.

139. When he runs out of patients.

Yeah, yeah. Pedestrian.

140. Arthur W., Des Plaines, IL

What do you get when you cross Noah's ark and a bug?

A really weird, strained joke setup?

140. Arctic. That is impressively terrible, Arthur W. I'm ashamed to live in the same state as you. I mean, my God. There's nothing inherently funny about getting to "Arctic" as a punchline, certainly not after you push so forced a setup on us. And what really got "crossed" here? You just tacked "tick" on after "ark" and made a new, completely unrelated word out of it. I guess the real question is whether to blame Arthur, or to blame the Laffy Taffy people for deciding "Why yes, this is good enough to publish!" I think I'll just go ahead and blame both of them.

Wouldn't rewording this joke have made it at least a little more tolerable? Like "Why did the bug make it so cold on Noah's ark? He was an Arctic!" That's still terrible but at least you have an excuse for "Arctic" in the setup. The existing one is just poorly done.

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