Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wrapper 39: Just like starting over

As you may have noticed - ha, just kidding, I know no one reads this - I cut off in the middle of a batch of wrappers I had pulled out last December.  Then yesterday's garbage rekindled my "love" for these awful things, and I managed to find an all-Laffy Taffy bag of candy at Walgreens today, so hey!  We even fly all the way back to the single digits in the joke count.

7. Michael M., Youngstown, OH

What do you call a cow with a twitch?

Gonna go out on a limb here and guess "a milkshake." 

7. Beef jerky.

Okay, points for avoiding the obvious.  The vocabulary seems a trifle advanced for nine-year-olds, but hey, why not. 

8. Vickie R., Franklin, LA

What did Jon do when his dog ate his science book?

This setup feels sufficiently tortured that we are probably in for nothing good. 

8. He took the words right out of his mouth.

Well, that one's pretty ancient.  I suppose it's "spiced up" by the completely unnecessary additions of the kid's name and the book's subject (why a science book, of all things?  At least it wasn't a math book, I guess), but meh.

This wrapper was sour apple.  That's right, four whole flavors in this bag!

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