Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wrapper 38: Faux-racism, and then pretty much actual racism

I haven't posted any of these in a while, for various reasons, but I saw some Laffy Taffy at the store today and hey, why not.  The first two wrappers were kind of whatever, but the third: wow.

266. Meredith G.

What did the cabbage preacher say to his church?

You know it's going to be a good joke when it starts with this kind of a stretch.  Honestly: the cabbage preacher?  But okay, let's hear it:

Lettuce pray.

Probably could have seen that coming.  But imagine for a second that you lived in a world where sentient produce was a thing.  Don't you feel like cabbage would get pissed off if you thought it was lettuce?  "What are you saying - all leafy vegetables look the same to you?  That is RACIST."

267. Alfred C.

Are people really still naming their children Alfred?  Whatever.

What is a parasite?

This is not a question anyone would ask, except as a response on Jeopardy!

Something you see in Paris.

I know the point of the joke - or really "joke" - is just to be a pun, but since this is a pun that only really works aurally and not in print, you end up with this, which is really just a mess.  It has the added bonus of effectively looking like racism (well, ethnic stereotyping anyway) - the French are parasites!  They're a horrible people, and probably they're unclean too!  Word to the wise, Alfred C.: maybe just try and avoid any jokes that stir up unnecessary geopolitical intrigue.  

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