Thursday, November 3, 2011


I had been meaning for some time to start a blog dedicated to my incredible loathing of the jokes printed on Laffy Taffy wrappers. Part of the reason I never got around to it is that getting a supply of these jokes means getting a supply of Laffy Taffy, and I'm sure as hell not about to buy a big bag of Laffy Taffy just for this purpose when I don't even like it that much. But around Halloween I bought a big bag of Wonka products for the office, and probably unsurprisingly, what ended up left at the bottom of my plastic pumpkin was a lot of Laffy Taffy (especially the banana kind). And so now we get this blog. Updates daily, at least for a while, because I've got a big pile of these things on my desk right now and so can write a bunch of posts in advance.

And now a quick answer to what is probably going to be a frequently asked question if the internet at large starts stumbling on this thing:

Q: Don't you think you're taking this too seriously?

A: Possibly, although if you're actually asking this question, you're taking me way too seriously.

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