Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wrappers 11-15: End of Halloween blowout

Okay, none of the remaining five is quite terrible enough for me to keep doing just one per post. I got a new bag of classic Laffy Taffy so it'll be back to the twofers, where you're virtually guaranteed one awful one per wrapper. So let's just clean these out.

What do you call it when the Easter Bunny shows up for Halloween?
Debbie L.

This is not the worst example of the form, but another thing that happens a lot with these jokes is quite a bit of straining in the setup just so the punchline makes sense.

A hoppy Halloween!

I also hate it when they repeat key words from the setup to the punchline. Never the hallmark of a good joke.

How do witches keep their hair in place while flying?
Cindy O.

I think a better question would be how they keep those pointy hats from flying off, but sure, whatever.

Scare spray

At least they trust you to get the rhyming joke here. Other than that, feh.

How do you fix a jack o'lantern?
Silvia D.

I'm getting a little suspicious that they're just making these names up. Two kids named "Silvia," really? With that spelling of it and everything?

With a pumpkin patch

One of the better puns we've seen so far, though of course it's still terrible.

What is a witch's favorite subject?
Katherine N.

Katherine N., quit bogarting the wrappers. First she rips off someone else's joke, now this?


Not really a subject per se, is it? But I guess the punchline couldn't exactly have been "English."

Who mans a ghost ship?
Maureen H.


There's a skeleton crew.

This one's not too bad, as these things go. I mean, it's not funny, but it's sort of clever, and actually relatively sophisticated. In fact I dare say it's arguably too sophisticated, in that children reading these things are unlikely to be familiar with the expression "skeleton crew," or at least not enough to get the double meaning. That's right: this joke might just be too good for a Laffy Taffy wrapper. Never thought I'd find myself saying that. Don't worry. This new bag is bound to be full of jokes for which I'd never consider saying it for even a second.

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