Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wrapper 21: When life gives you lemon jokes

23. Rachelle B., Scottsdale, AZ

What do astronauts eat for dinner?

Freeze-dried meals that can survive the environment on the space shuttle. No?

23. Launch meat.

I must say, kudos to Rachelle B. for not going with "What do astronauts eat for lunch" as the setup, which would have then led to an obnoxious duplication in the punchline. Anyway, this joke is as old as the space program, but it could be worse. It could be the other one on the wrapper.

24. Bradley D., Viroqua, WI

What is yellow and wears a mask?

Wait for it.

24. The Lone Lemon.

God, do I fucking hate jokes like this. There is nothing funny or even sense-making about this joke. The punchline doesn't rhyme with "Ranger" or anything close. There is no connection between "Ranger" and "Lemon." This means that the punchline could just as easily be The Lone Banana or The Lone Dandelion or whatever. It's terrible. It is more or less intentionally unfunny. I mean, right? There is no way this is supposed to be funny. This is supposed to elicit groans, if not grimaces. I see no way around it. Of course, with that said, it's a perfect joke for Laffy Taffy. At least this joke knows it's terrible.

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