Friday, November 4, 2011

Wrapper 2: Infini-"T"

29. Sunuel J., Tuskegee, AL

What starts with "T", is full of "T", and ends with "T"?

Well, that could only be TTTTTTTT, right?

29. A teapot.

Here we have another classic example of jokes that simply lose their effectiveness - a word I use incredibly loosely in this case - when written out. Because obviously, when spoken aloud, the letter T and the word tea sound identical. But when you write it down... well, you have two options. One is to write "is full of tea," which gives the game away pre-punchline but at least is accurate. And the other is to write "is full of 'T'," which is just inherently confusing and also simply wrong. Because a teapot is not full of "T". It is full of tea. Get your shit together, Sunuel J. Also, this is more of a riddle than a joke. Did I accidentally buy Thinky Taffy? No? Then make me laugh, asshole.

30. Jenny H., Dubuque, IA

Teacher: Johnny, what is the definition of infinity?

I suggested in the intro post that I'm not taking this as seriously as it might read at times. But I legitimately hate this joke (just wait till we get to the fucking punchline). Not only is it an appallingly bad joke, but I hate jokes that are structured this way - and believe me, there are more than a few. Potentially my least favorite joke of all time is the following:

Teacher: Johnny, do you know the capital of Alaska?
Johnny: No'm.
Teacher: That's correct.

My distaste for this joke springs primarily from the fact that Nome is not the capital of Alaska and NEVER WAS, but I also hate the structure, which is basically anti-humor (and works even worse when you have to lift a tiny flap on a candy wrapper to get to the response). Also, why would you not write the joke this way:

Teacher: Johnny, d'you know the capital of Alaska?
Johnny: It sure is, ma'am.

Again, this is also TERRIBLE, but at least it's fucking accurate.

Anyway, back to Jenny H.'s bullshit. Wait until you see where this goes.

30. Johnny: Tonight's homework assignment.

...what? WHAT? My head is spinning with how insanely bad this joke is. Tonight's homework assignment is... INFINITY? This is idiotic. It's not just that it's super unfunny, either. It really makes very little sense on even the most basic levels of logic. Like why would he not say that last night's homework assignment was "infinity"? It's not like he is in a position to know how long tonight's homework is going to take. And even if he's just making an assumption, it's still better for the joke to have him reference something known rather than something assumed.

Then there's the issue of the joke setup featuring the noun form, infinity, rather than the adjectival form, infinite, which to me makes more sense and also just reads better. With other words where there's a more direct connection between the noun and adjectival forms, I can see where the noun form would work slightly better. In this case I don't think it does. Not that it really matters one way or the other.

This was also a strawberry wrapper. We're now left with a big pile of banana, which clearly everyone else hates as much as I do. Thank God I'm just copying jokes and not actually trying to eat these things.

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